The result left me gasping in disbelief.
Please understand that the following facts are abso- lutely ungarnished.
Near closing time (business appointments kept me away) I strode into the large John Wannamaker Depart- ment Store determined that I would have my pumps be- fore I left!
Signs lead me to the basement where a large After- Christmas Sale was in progress and before me stood coun- ter after counter of shoes...old, new, samples, etc. This was grand - but what was my size? I did not know
I walked about - up and down the aisles--- poking here feigning interest there until I spied a rather ma- tronly sales clerk sitting alone totaling her sales for the day. She was the one! But, where was the courage
A drink of water.
Another turn around the counter.
Then, I put into play my old system for buying lin- gerie: Commit yourself! Start talking regardless- and hope that at least part of the rehearsed speech will come
I did.. . and it worked.
"Excuse me, could you help me?"
She looked up. "Yes, of course"
"My company is staging a show for a sales meeting and I am playing the part of a woman in it Could you possibly sell me a pair of shoes?"
This was the moment, I waited. Would she laugh? Call the manager? Police?
She stood up and with absolutely no change of exp- ression said, "oh sure, we don't close for another half